10 Effective Strategies on How to Increase My IQ

Looking for ways on how to increase my IQ? You’re in the right place. This article dives into 10 actionable strategies to boost your intelligence, from memory techniques to executive function exercises and beyond.

Key Takeaways

  • Engaging in memory enhancement techniques, such as memory games and mnemonic devices, can significantly improve cognitive function, including reasoning and language skills.

  • Strengthening executive function through task switching exercises and inhibitory control training can enhance cognitive flexibility, problem-solving abilities, and focus in the face of distractions.

  • Lifestyle factors like a balanced diet, quality sleep, and regular physical exercise are crucial for sustaining cognitive health and can contribute to improved IQ and overall brain function.

Memory Enhancement Techniques

Elevating your intelligence begins with the bedrock of cognitive function: memory. Engaging in memory activities is not just about remembering where you left your keys—it can significantly improve cognitive function, touching upon reasoning, language skills, and the subtleties of critical thought.

Discover how enhancing your memory can significantly impact your brain’s agility.

Memory Games

Memory games are not merely child’s play; they’re a form of cognitive training that puts the ‘fun’ in fundamental brain health. When you play chess or solve crossword puzzles, you’re not just passing time—you’re orchestrating a workout for your brain. Engaging in these brain active pursuits strengthens connections between brain cells, enhancing your cognitive reserve and gifting you with problem solving abilities that can rival IQ tests.

Take the game of chess as an example. It’s not just about strategic skills but also involves working memory and memory consolidation. Each move is a test, a challenge to your cognitive skills, and your ability to predict and reason through the intricate web of possibilities. Likewise, solving a Sudoku puzzle isn’t merely about numbers. It’s a cognitive exercise that enhances short-term memory and hones problem-solving skills.

Beyond the classic board games, even party games like “Taboo” and “Apples to Apples” play a pivotal role in cognitive training. They enrich your vocabulary and enhance your describing and word-retrieval skills, all while you’re immersed in laughter and camaraderie. Ultimately, it’s these engaging and enjoyable activities that keep your cognitive abilities in peak condition.

Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices are the secret agents of memory consolidation, working behind the scenes to ensure that new information sticks. These devices are not mere tricks; they are based on the brain’s encoding criteria, transforming the mundane into the memorable. Mnemonic devices enhance your working memory’s ability to comprehend and retain complex information by using a mix of remote elements, radical reorganization, and both convergent and divergent thinking operations.

Imagine turning a list of terms into a story, where each word becomes a vivid character in an unforgettable narrative. This is the power of mnemonic devices—they provide a scaffold for your memories, ensuring that what you learn today remains accessible for years to come. Adopting this method can transform your retention abilities, making it possible to recall information rapidly and confidently.

Strengthening Executive Function

The command center of the human brain, executive function, is the maestro of cognitive skills. It’s where complex tasks are orchestrated, decisions are crafted, and problems are solved.

Enhancing your executive function can directly influence your problem-solving skills and fluid intelligence, which is crucial for overall cognitive function.

Task Switching Exercises

In the modern world, the ability to juggle multiple tasks is not just desirable—it’s essential. Task switching exercises, such as quickly alternating between different types of cognitive training, can significantly improve cognitive flexibility. Learning new skills through varied activities like dance or card games does more than offer entertainment; it enhances your brain’s agility and problem-solving abilities.

Scrabble and Pictionary are more than just board games—they’re training grounds for your executive control and cognitive flexibility. These games demand a nimble mind, able to adapt and strategize within ever-shifting scenarios. Furthermore, by enhancing your cognitive flexibility, you’re not just preparing for the next game night; you’re honing skills that will serve you in every aspect of life, from navigating complex social situations to excelling in your career.

Task switching is the art of mental agility, and by consciously engaging in exercises that enhance this ability, you’re investing in a sharper, more adaptable mind. Engaging in these varied activities can elevate your problem-solving skills and ensure your brain stays continually active and prepared to tackle any challenges.

Inhibitory Control Training

In a world teeming with distractions, the power to focus is paramount. Inhibitory control training is about mastering this power, honing your ability to remain locked on a task without succumbing to the siren call of distractions. Games like ‘Space Conquest’ are not just digital diversions—they’re sophisticated tools that train your brain to maintain:

  • sustained attention

  • inhibition

  • planning

  • processing speed

Inhibitory control exercises, which might involve resisting the urge to check your phone or focusing on a complex task amidst a cacophony of noise, are more than just willpower tests. They’re cognitive training regimens that boost your IQ by refining your mental processes and IQ levels, ensuring that when it’s time to perform, your focus is unbreakable. Incorporating these exercises can take your cognitive function to new levels, unaffected by the distractions that are part of modern life. Such training can also help you excel in intelligence tests, as they measure similar cognitive abilities.

Improving Visuospatial Skills

Imagine the ability to mentally rotate objects, to perceive the world in three dimensions, and to navigate spaces with ease—these are the hallmarks of strong visuospatial skills. Far from being an abstract talent, these skills are integral to everyday tasks and play a crucial role in academic pursuits, particularly in math and reading.

Activities designed to enhance visuospatial skills, like the ‘Number Lines’ or ‘Set the Clock’ exercises, not only boost spatial relations but also contribute to a higher iq. Engaging in these tasks is more than just a way to pass time; it’s a cognitive journey that hones your spatial abilities including estimating distances, creating mental maps, and visualizing environmental changes.

Moreover, visuospatial training isn’t restricted to the classroom or the study desk. Games such as ‘The Mysterious Garden’ and ‘Moving Cubes’ challenge children and adults alike to refine their spatial visualization and planning abilities. Such activities foster an environment that nurtures fluid intelligence, critical thinking skills, and an increase in your iq that could make a real difference in how you interact with the world around you.

Enhancing Relational Thinking

Relational Frame Theory (RFT) offers a fascinating window into the architecture of the human mind, revealing how we connect concepts and objects in meaningful ways. This theory underscores the importance of relational thinking in our cognitive development, influencing everything from problem-solving to language acquisition.

Through multiple exemplar training (MET), individuals can enhance their relational framing skills, strengthening the mental muscles responsible for intellectual processes. By exposing learners to a variety of examples and reinforcing contextually correct responses, MET can significantly improve cognitive function and even boost IQ scores, particularly in children.

The implications of enhancing relational thinking and emotional intelligence are profound. Focusing on developing these skills, particularly in early childhood, can significantly influence general intelligence and lay the foundation for a life filled with critical thinking and cognitive flexibility. Embrace relational frame training, and watch as new dimensions of understanding unfold before you.

The Power of Music

How to Increase My IQ

The symphony of life is not complete without the power of music. It’s not just an auditory pleasure; music is a cognitive enhancer that activates a multitude of brain regions responsible for auditory processing, emotion, and even motor functions.

Listening to music doesn’t just provide enjoyment; it could potentially enhance your IQ.

Learning an Instrument

Learning to play a guitar or piano does more than provide entertainment; it can also lead to an increase in IQ. Studies have revealed that the discipline of learning a musical instrument can lead to a significant increase in intelligence, as much as 10%, by fostering better neural processing and increasing brain stem robustness.

Professional musicians often showcase a greater volume of grey matter than amateurs, a testament to the profound impact that music can have on cognitive development and brain health. Indeed, children who start learning an instrument early in life enjoy more than just the sounds they produce; they also benefit from stronger and more resilient brain connections.

The cognitive benefits of learning a musical instrument as a new hobby go beyond just developing a talent. It contributes to improved executive functioning and enhances the cognitive processes that are the hallmarks of a well-tuned intellect. Whether it’s a new skill or a lifelong passion, learning to play an instrument is a harmonious way to elevate your cognitive abilities.

Benefits of Listening to Music

But what if playing an instrument isn’t your forte? Fear not, for the act of listening to music itself can have positive effects on your cognitive functions. Studies have shown that children exposed to a musically-enriched environment can see improvements in their verbal IQ scores, while adults may find solace and mental refreshment in their favorite tunes.

Music is not just an emotional balm; it’s a cognitive one too. It can aid in the recovery of verbal skills in stroke patients and has a general enhancement effect on mood and cognitive functioning. So, the next time you press play on your favorite playlist, remember that you’re also giving your brain a beneficial boost.

Language Acquisition

The tapestry of human intelligence is woven with the threads of language. The process of acquiring a language is a significant cognitive training exercise that can boost general intelligence and improve task-switching abilities. It’s not just about communication; it’s about connecting with the world in a new and profound way.

Studies suggest that the critical window to influence IQ scores through learning a new language is during the early years. However, it is never too late to reap the cognitive benefits and career advantages that come with bilingualism or even multilingualism. Immersing oneself in a new language opens doors not only to new cultures but also to new cognitive horizons.

Acquiring a new language is akin to a cognitive adventure, one that challenges the brain to build and navigate new pathways of understanding. With each new word and grammatical structure mastered, you’re not just expanding your vocabulary; you’re expanding your cognitive skills and enhancing your ability to think critically and solve problems.

Importance of Reading

Diving into the pages of a book is a journey that does more than transport you to other worlds—it can elevate your mind. Regular reading, whether of the latest scientific research or timeless literature, can notably increase IQ levels and enrich life with fresh knowledge and perspectives.

Fiction or non-fiction, each genre contributes uniquely to cognitive development. While fiction enhances imagination and empathy, non-fiction builds a foundation of knowledge and critical thinking skills. Together, they form a powerful duo that bolsters problem-solving abilities and opens the mind to a world of possibilities.

The act of reading itself is a form of cognitive training, flexing mental muscles that contribute to sharper intelligence and a more expansive view of the world. Embrace the habit of reading, and watch as your critical thinking abilities ascend to new heights, powered by the wisdom contained within the written word.

Educational Pursuits

Education is a lifelong journey with a profound impact on cognitive abilities. Whether it’s pursuing additional graduate degrees, delving into online courses, or simply learning something new every day, educational pursuits can lead to a marked increase in IQ and a more robust intellect.

A meta-analysis of studies has revealed that each year of formal education correlates with a gain of one to five IQ points, showing how education improve intelligence. This highlights the importance of continued learning and its direct relationship with intellectual growth. Moreover, consistent engagement with materials covered in IQ tests, as well as iq testing itself, can lead to an improved iq score and academic performance.

Interestingly, music students often outperform their peers in academics, showcasing enhanced skills in areas like mathematics, reading, and spelling. This is a testament to the synergistic relationship between the arts and sciences, and the power of education to unlock the full potential of human intelligence.

Lifestyle Factors for Cognitive Health

As we navigate the intricacies of boosting our cognitive abilities, we cannot overlook the fundamental role of lifestyle factors. A healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, regular physical exercise, and quality sleep, forms the foundation of cognitive health and can notably enhance cognitive function.

Adopting these elements can improve brain function and slow down cognitive decline, irrespective of genetic and environmental factors.

Balanced Diet

A healthy diet is the fuel that powers the engine of your brain. Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish oil, is akin to oiling the gears of your cognitive machinery. These essential nutrients contribute to cell membrane health and ensure smooth communication between brain cells, which is crucial for optimal cognitive function.

Antioxidants serve as the brain’s protectors, shielding it from oxidative stress that can erode cognitive abilities. Vitamins like B12, D, and E are the building blocks for maintaining brain health, ensuring that every neuron fires as it should. A diet abundant in these nutrients can delay or even prevent up to 40% of dementia cases, showcasing the power of a well-rounded diet in preserving cognitive health.

Thus, a mindful approach to eating, focusing on a balanced intake of essential nutrients, can have a profound impact on cognitive performance. It’s not only about maintaining a healthy body but also sustaining a healthy mind that continues to grow and adapt throughout life.

Quality Sleep

Slumber is not just a respite for the body but a sanctuary for the mind. Quality sleep acts as a custodian of your cognitive processes, safeguarding and enhancing brain health. During sleep, the brain busies itself with the critical task of memory consolidation, turning short-term memories into long-term knowledge—a process that is essential for learning and cognitive performance.

Neglecting the need for sufficient sleep can deprive your brain of the time it needs for organization and repair. A well-rested mind is more alert, more capable of complex problem-solving, and better equipped to score higher on iq tests. Indeed, one could argue that a good night’s rest is worth a few extra iq points, given its substantial impact on cognitive functions.

It is not an exaggeration to state that sleep can shift your cognitive abilities by one standard deviation, positioning you to tackle the challenges of the following day with vigor and clarity. Incorporating quality sleep into your routine goes beyond mere luxury; it’s an investment in your most valuable asset: your mind.

Physical Exercise

Physical exercise is the rhythm that keeps the mind in motion. Regular aerobic exercise, like a symphony, orchestrates an array of cognitive benefits, including:

  • Brain health

  • Significantly improved cognitive function

  • Promotion of neuroplasticity, the brain’s remarkable ability to form new neural connections

  • Support for the maintenance of cognitive skills throughout one’s life

The science of physical exercise and cognitive training is clear: engaging in a daily routine of physical activity can help delay cognitive decline and even increase brain volume. Older adults, including those with Alzheimer’s disease, can experience a rejuvenation of cognitive functions and a reduction in the risk of dementia, thanks to the invigorating effects of regular movement.

Therefore, lacing up those sneakers and incorporating physical exercise into your life serves more than just your physique; it’s a catalyst for brain health. Staying active ensures that your cognitive machinery stays well-tuned and capable of performing at its peak, thereby enhancing your cognitive flexibility and overall intelligence.


In the grand tapestry of strategies to increase your IQ, we’ve explored a vast landscape—from the intricate pathways of memory enhancement to the harmony of music, from the linguistic adventures of new language acquisition to the transformative power of quality sleep. Each strategy, woven together, forms a holistic approach to enhancing cognitive abilities and achieving a higher IQ. Embrace these practices, and embark on a lifelong journey of intellectual growth and cognitive excellence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can playing memory games really increase my IQ?

Yes, playing memory games such as chess and Sudoku can strengthen your brain’s connections and improve problem-solving skills, contributing to a higher IQ.

How does learning a musical instrument affect my intelligence?

Learning a musical instrument can significantly improve cognitive functions, increasing intelligence by up to 10%.

Is there an optimal age for learning a new language to improve IQ?

Learning a new language at any age can contribute to improving general intelligence and cognitive abilities, but the critical window for the most significant impact on IQ is during toddlerhood.

Can a balanced diet really prevent cognitive decline?

Yes, a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can protect the brain from oxidative stress and contribute to delaying or even preventing cognitive decline. This makes it crucial to maintain a balanced diet for brain health.

How does physical exercise contribute to brain health?

Regular physical exercise, especially aerobic activity, promotes neuroplasticity and can help maintain cognitive function and delay cognitive decline, ultimately contributing to better brain health.