Breaking Down Average IQ by US State: 2024 Insights and Data

Curious about how average IQ varies across US states? This article breaks down the “average IQ by US state”, uncovering the factors behind these differences. Discover which states top the IQ charts, which ones lag behind, and the key influences shaping these scores.

Key Takeaways

  • IQ scores across US states vary significantly, with Massachusetts having the highest average IQ of 104.3 and Mississippi the lowest at 94.2, highlighting differences in educational systems, socioeconomic conditions, and health outcomes.

  • Education, socioeconomic status, and environmental factors are major influencers of state IQ scores, with better education and higher socioeconomic status contributing to higher IQs, while poor health outcomes and environmental toxins can negatively impact cognitive abilities.

  • The Flynn Effect, which indicates a rise in global IQ scores due to improved education and living conditions, is potentially reversing in recent years, suggesting a decline in education quality and nutrition may be affecting newer generations’ cognitive abilities.

Understanding Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

The Intelligence Quotient, also known as IQ, serves as a significant measure of an individual’s cognitive abilities, offering insight into their intellectual potential. Standardized tests, such as the international IQ test, are designed to assess various aspects of intelligence such as problem-solving, spatial reasoning, and verbal comprehension, and are used to derive standardized test scores. To calculate these scores, an individual’s mental age is divided by their chronological age, and the result is multiplied by 100. Through this method, IQ scores are standardized, which facilitates comparisons across diverse age groups and populations.

The average IQ score typically falls between 85 and 115, capturing about 68% of the population within this range. Scores between 90 and 109 are considered average, according to the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Stanford-Binet test. However, it’s not just about where you fall on the scale. The phenomenon known as the Flynn effect, which indicates a rise in global IQ scores over the past decades, highlights the dynamic nature of intelligence. Improved education, better nutrition, and more stimulating environments are attributed to the observed effect, leading to a slightly higher average iq. These factors contribute to positive outcomes in average iq test scores.

IQ tests distinguish between crystallized intelligence – the knowledge and skills acquired throughout one’s life, and fluid intelligence – the capacity to reason and solve novel problems. While fluid intelligence tends to decline in later adulthood, crystallized intelligence can increase, reflecting the complex interplay between different types of cognitive abilities. Appreciating the full scope of what IQ scores represent requires an understanding of this complexity.

Average IQ Scores Across US States

The United States has an average IQ score of 98, placing it just below the global average of 100. However, this national average masks significant variations across different states. For instance, Massachusetts leads the pack with an impressive average IQ of 104.3, the highest in the nation as of 2024. On the other end of the spectrum, Mississippi has the lowest average IQ score at 94.2.

These variations are not just numbers; they reflect underlying differences in educational systems, socioeconomic conditions, and health outcomes. States like New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Vermont also rank high, with average IQs above 103. Meanwhile, states like New Mexico, with an average IQ of 95.0, showcase the diversity in cognitive abilities across the U.S..

Grasping these differences can yield valuable insights into contributing factors of cognitive development and potential.

Factors Influencing State IQ Scores

A variety of factors ranging from educational progress and socioeconomic status to health outcomes and environmental conditions influence the average IQ scores and math scores across different states. These elements interact in complex ways, shaping the cognitive abilities of populations.

A deeper exploration of these factors can elucidate their contribution to variations in state IQ scores.

Educational Progress and Resources

Education significantly impacts IQ scores, playing a pivotal role in cognitive development. Studies have shown that increased educational duration leads to higher cognitive abilities across various tests and age groups. For instance, policy changes that extend compulsory schooling have been found to increase IQ by approximately 3.7 points per additional year of education. This highlights the importance of educational reforms in boosting intellectual potential.

Additionally, the quality of schooling coupled with access to educational resources play a critical role. Longer educational durations can increase intelligence by about 1 to 5 IQ points per additional year of education. Thus, states that prioritize educational progress and resources often see higher average IQ scores, underscoring the value of investing in education.

Socioeconomic Status and Environmental Factors

Another crucial determinant of IQ scores is Socioeconomic status (SES). Higher SES often correlates with higher IQ, largely due to greater educational attainment and access to resources. Family background plays a significant role as well; children from higher SES families tend to perform better academically and on IQ tests. Furthermore, growing up with fewer siblings has been associated with increased IQ scores, possibly due to more parental attention and resources.

IQ scores are impacted by various factors, including environmental factors like exposure to toxins. For instance, lead exposure has been linked to lower IQ scores. Additionally, state IQ scores are strongly correlated with well-being variables such as:

  • income

  • health

  • education

  • crime

These correlations underscore the complex interplay between socioeconomic and environmental factors in shaping cognitive abilities.

Health Outcomes and Nutrition

Particularly in early childhood, health outcomes and nutrition exert profound effects on cognitive development and IQ scores. Studies indicate that better prenatal and early postnatal nutrition are linked to higher IQ scores, contributing to the Flynn Effect. Early childhood nutrition, including breastfeeding, has long-term effects on cognitive function and intelligence.

Generally, better health outcomes correlate with improved cognitive abilities. Malnutrition during pregnancy and early childhood, on the other hand, has been linked to lower IQ scores later in life. These findings highlight the importance of health and nutrition policies in enhancing cognitive development and potential.

Highest and Lowest Average IQ States

Insights into the factors driving cognitive development can be gained from understanding which states have the highest and lowest average IQ scores. We can gain insights by exploring the states that outperform others and those that fall behind.

States with the Highest Average IQ

Massachusetts stands out as the state with the highest average IQ score of 104.3 in 2024. This high score is attributed to its robust educational system and strong economic stability. New Hampshire follows closely with an average IQ of 104.2, while North Dakota and Vermont are tied for third place with an average IQ of 103.8. When considering the average IQ by state, these top-ranking states showcase the importance of education and economic stability in achieving high IQ scores.

Minnesota, with its strong economy and quality schools, ranks fifth with an average IQ of 103.7. States like:

  • Montana

  • Maine

  • Iowa

  • Connecticut

also feature in the top ten, reflecting the impact of quality education systems and economic stability on cognitive abilities. Wisconsin completes the top ten with an average IQ of 102.9.

States with the Lowest Average IQ

Mississippi has the lowest average IQ among US states, with a score of 94.2. This low ranking is often attributed to educational system shortcomings and challenging socioeconomic conditions. New Mexico also ranks low, with a similar set of challenges impacting its average IQ score of 95.0.

Diverse demographics and socioeconomic conditions significantly contribute to these states’ lower IQ scores. Understanding these challenges highlights the need for targeted interventions to improve educational and health outcomes in these regions.

Discovered by James Flynn, the Flynn Effect indicates a gradual increase in average IQ scores over time, typically around 3 points per decade. This rise has been attributed to improved education systems, better nutrition, and more stimulating environments. However, recent trends suggest a reverse Flynn Effect, with a decline in IQ scores potentially due to poorer education quality, decreased nutrition, and changing test-taking behaviors.

This decline may also be influenced by younger generations experiencing lower test-taking confidence, as suggested by some national assessment results. Comprehending these trends is vital for formulating strategies to counteract the reverse Flynn Effect and sustain the progress in cognitive development.

Implications of State IQ Scores

Policy, education reforms, and economic and social outcomes bear significant implications from state IQ scores. Higher IQ scores can drive policy decisions aimed at improving education quality and accessibility, while also influencing economic and social variables.

Policy and Education Reforms

Higher state IQ scores often encourage policies focused on improving education quality and accessibility. States with higher IQ scores may prioritize educational funding and resources to further enhance cognitive abilities. Education has consistently been identified as a method for boosting intelligence across various cognitive abilities.

State IQ scores, which can be analyzed through state IQ estimates, can significantly benefit from implementing policies that prolong educational duration and enhance school quality. These reforms can lead to a more educated and capable workforce, driving innovation and economic growth.

Economic and Social Impacts

Lower crime rates and better health outcomes are often associated with higher state IQ scores. These scores are linked to economic variables, influencing workforce readiness and innovation. States with higher IQ scores tend to have better social outcomes, reflecting the broader impact of cognitive abilities on society.

Investing in education and health can lead to improved IQ scores, which in turn can enhance economic productivity and social well-being. These investments are crucial for creating a more prosperous and equitable society.

Comparing US State IQ Scores with Global Averages

With a global average IQ of approximately 100, the United States, having an average IQ score of 98, ranks close to this global benchmark. However, within the US, there is significant variation in average score, with some states scoring higher and others lower than the global average.

According to the Intelligence of the Nations report from 2019, the average IQ in the United States was 97.43. This fluctuation around the global average highlights the diverse cognitive landscape across different states, with factors such as education and socioeconomic status playing key roles.


In summary, average IQ scores across US states reveal significant variations influenced by a range of factors including education, socioeconomic status, and health outcomes. States like Massachusetts lead with the highest average IQs, while states like Mississippi lag behind. Understanding these differences is crucial for developing targeted policies and interventions to enhance cognitive development and potential.

As we continue to explore and understand the factors influencing IQ scores, it is essential to focus on improving education, health, and socioeconomic conditions. By doing so, we can foster a more informed, capable, and equitable society.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average IQ score in the United States?

The average IQ score in the United States is 98, indicating an average level of intelligence among the population.

Which state has the highest average IQ in the US?

Massachusetts has the highest average IQ in the US with a score of 104.3.

How does socioeconomic status affect IQ scores?

Higher socioeconomic status is often associated with higher IQ scores due to increased access to resources and better educational opportunities.

What is the Flynn Effect?

The Flynn Effect describes the global increase in IQ scores over the past decades, often linked to improved education and better living conditions.

Why do some states have lower average IQ scores?

Some states have lower average IQ scores due to challenges such as educational system shortcomings and socioeconomic conditions that impact cognitive development. These factors can significantly influence cognitive abilities.